Rocket Software, Inc.
Waltham, Massachusetts USA
Senior Software Engineer
January 2001 - June 2018; September 2019 - Present
One of four original developers of
IBM Db2 Automation Tool for z/OS© which automates
the execution of Db2 utilities. This software substantially reduces the effort and resources needed
to perform routine and exception-based Db2 tasks.
Architect and sole developer of the Exception Processing
component and numerous other internal components.
IBM Db2 Automation Tool is marketed and sold by IBM and
generates tens of millions of dollars of revenue.
It is the premier product of choice for Db2 administrators.
- Self-motivated; worked in a team environment; contributed to timely problem identification and resolution.
Sales force and field technicians also relied on my input which often resulted in clients' decision to
purchase product. Trained and worked with remote quality assurance engineers in Russia.
- Designed and developed the exception processing component of IBM Db2 Automation Tool.
IBM Db2 Automation Tool for z/OS© User Guide for specifics.
- Designed and developed Job profile grouping and DSNACCOX-like exception conditions that
mimic the DSNACCOX stored procedure, saving time and resources, and automated the process
of loading and refreshing data to the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA),
- Designed and implemented a macro set for program/routine entry/exit/call functions and
static/dynamic data definition allowing for baseless code and 64-bit program linkage.
- Designed and implemented debug macros/code enabling displaying of debugging information,
providing automatic conversion of data types and formatting options.
Starr Systems
Fairfield, Iowa USA
Product Engineer
September 2018 - May 2019
Engineered and built desk-top and hand-held devices that create scalar energy fields
based on inventor's specifications. These devices reduce the harmful effects of EMF
and are currently being field tested. Production date to be determined.
Platinum Technology, Inc.
Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois USA
(Acquired by Computer Associates International, Inc. in 1999)
Senior Product Developer
March 1995 - June 1999
Maintained and enhanced Platinum Database Analyzer (PDA) which
consistently generated a major portion of Platinum's total revenues and remained
the premier product of choice for Db2 administrators prior to IBM Db2 Automation Tool.
- Designed and implemented new versions of the product. Researched, diagnosed,
and solved problems for large number of PDA users.
- Responsible for maintenance and enhancements of Platinum's Dataset Facility (PDF).
Computer Associates International, Inc.
Islandia, New York USA
DBMS, Inc. (acquired in 1990)
Senior Staff Product Engineer - Software
March 1980 - March 1995
Developed z/OS, PC, and UNIX system software products. Performed
product planning/requirements, external/internal design,
implementation and testing. Developed division standards and utilities.
Installed products at customer sites. Developed and delivered product presentations.
Supported beta products. Products developed:
- IDMS data
extractor utility (Database Extractor) comprised of an online selection criteria
component and software to load network/relational z/OS, PC, and UNIX
databases with the extracted data.
- IDMS utility (DB Audit) that validates the logical/physical integrity
and structure of a database and optionally fixes detected errors.
- Windows type software prior to the advent of Windows.
- A language translator.
Spiegel, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois USA
Senior Database Analyst
March 1977 - March 1980
Developed and maintained IDMS interfaces/hooks, new database systems, utilities,
and other software. Designed new database systems, installed new
versions of IDMS and generated schemas, subschemas, and Central Versions for the
production and test systems. Supported application developers.
GTE Automatic Electric, Inc.
Northlake, Illinois USA
Process Engineer
March 1975 - March 1977
Wrote programs to test telephone switching system components using a Texas Instruments ATS-960
mini-computer. Wrote BAL utility programs that analyzed data from the ATS-960.